Dynapac will introduce a 360-degree camera system with a pedestrian detection feature for the CA5000 to the North American market in 2023. This system utilizes a 7-inch colour display and will alert the operator whenever someone enters the danger zone. It will be available on the ROPS/FOPS operator platforms and all cab variants on Dynapac's range of soil compactors from the CA1500 to CA6500 machines as well for the CC4000 VI to CC6200 VI asphalt compactors including the oscillation, CO-variants. The camera system was displayed at CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2023 on the 16-ton CA5000D soil compactor and on the 59-inch, 8.4-ton, CC2200 VI asphalt compactor.
Dynapac has utilized a swivelling operator's station for soil compactors for many years. This feature gave the operator an incredible range of visibility over the working area and their surroundings while never allowing the steering wheel to be behind their back or without putting any of the controls or display out of reach and sight.
The camera system includes high-definition (1080p) cameras mounted on the top of each side of the operator's platform beneath the protruding part of the roof, and a 7-inch, high-resolution, colour display placed in the right, upper corner of the operator station to provide the operator with a complete 360-degree view over the job site. Each camera has a 130-degree viewing angle and is equipped with automatic heating to aid in demisting the lens and automatic infrared (IR) sensor to assist with night work. The display has the ability to adjust the light and brightness to avoid picture distortion and has an integrated speaker to facilitate communication with those who are on the job site.
The pedestrian detection system will alert the operator both audibly and visually from the display whenever someone enters the ‘danger zone' and the camera display will automatically switch to view determined to be the most vital area. The display can also be dismounted without the need for any tools to help prevent vandalism.
The system can be ordered as either a factory installation or as a field kit.