Truck scales for rugged aggregate use on display by Cardinal Scale at World of Asphalt/AGG1

Cardinal Scale will show its variety of scales and related offerings during World of Asphalt/AGG1 2024, including the ARMOR truck scale line.
Featuring an array of scale types and options ranging from digital to hydraulic, concrete to steel deck, permanent foundation to portable, ARMOR truck scales are built strong and manufactured to weigh up to 250 vehicles per day, 365 days per year, for up to 20 years.
ARMOR truck scales are designed to allow for easy installation and minimal upkeep over the lifespan of the scale. The heavy-duty construction and secure digital transmission of valuable data to on-location or remote indicators and other peripheral equipment make them suitable for everyday wear-and-tear associated with asphalt and aggregate industry applications. The truck scale's axis gravity-driven load cell stands situate the SmartCell digital load cell up high in the pocket, away from debris that may accumulate down below.
Cardinal's SmartCell digital technology boasts a 135-ton capacity with 50-ton CLC (Concentrated Load Capacity). ARMOR truck scales equipped with Guardian hydraulic load cells are used in more harsh applications such as quarries or heavy construction prone to water damage or lightning strikes, and carry a lifetime load cell warranty.
Cardinal Scale's iSite remote monitoring software will diagnose any potential load cell or wiring issues in a quick and convenient manner.