Metso Outotec service enables ideal crusher wear parts selection to help meet production targets

Metso Outotec is launching Chamber Expert Service, a service that brings Metso Outotec's selection of crusher wear parts with crushing process-specific application instructions delivered to crushing sites. The service utilizes Metso Outotec's online wear part product catalogue and the Chamber Pro online simulation tool to select the ideal chamber geometry and crushing parameters that match production targets and the specific crushing process.
In aggregate processes, the ideal chamber geometry and crushing parameters improve process performance and reduce energy consumption and maintenance costs, yielding an increase in saleable products and a longer wear part life cycle.
"The Chamber Pro simulator enables us to predict how changing chamber geometry and crusher running parameters affect machine performance, so we can give tangible production commitments," adds Jukka Salovaara, global business support manager of aggregates crusher wears at Metso Outotec.
Chamber Expert Service will get the crusher producing for end users with:
- Ideal performing chamber to match capacity and quality targets
- Ensured ideal chamber geometry and crushing parameters
- Improved process performance and lower energy consumption, bringing improved sustainability benefits
- Cost efficiency without a major investment in new equipment
- Verified wear part lifetime
The Chamber Expert Service will be featured at the Hillhead 2022.