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Engine treatment reduces fuel consumption

Dan Jackson, owner of A.J Jackson Construction Ltd. of Stratford, Ontario first treated his pickup truck with XenTx Extreme Engine Treatment and recorded a drop in fuel consumption from 16.8 litres to as low as 12.4 litres per 100 kilometres. He decided to test XenTx on his trucks, and observed similarly impressive results.

Another user of XenTx Extreme Engine Treatment is Garry Pfaff, operator for D.J Jackson Haulage Ltd. in Stratford. He first heard about it from the staff at OnTruck Exhaust in Ayr, Ontario where Pfaff was having some exhaust work done.

Pfaff normally runs his 1988 Peterbilt 379 at 54,000 kilograms, hauling a dump trailer with sand, salt, gravel, and contaminated soil. He reports that he saves between $400 and $500 in fuel each month.

Green Performance Systems, the Canadian commercial distributor for XenTx Engine Treatments, is distributing the effective treatments, which utilize a unique covalent bonding process resulting in enhanced diesel engine, transmission, and fuel system performance and reduced emissions.

Company info

3441 Longfellow Ave
Windsor, ON
CA, N9E 2L8

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